The 3rd part in a character series following the Hero's Journey.
Vincent Violet opens the story of “He’s About To Blow" in a state of stark commotion. Consumed in suspicions, jealousy, and disconnection he suddenly explodes in public. In a mere moment he’s gone, leaving no indication of his whereabouts.
Written & Recorded between February 2020 - November 2021
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Vincent Violet Videos
He’s About To Rhyme
“Now here’s you a story that’s dramatic a little
Where funny and sad meet right in the middle
And I'll tell you in song why Vincent was wrong
But first take a crack at my riddle
Out of a buddy he noticed a spy
Because of his birdie he let out a sigh
And he learned about envy from watching young Jimmy
Now Vinny's a broken down guy
But broken down Vinny didn't snivel one bit
"I'll just toughen on up!" his words shot from the hip
But soon the day came he inevitably blew
So, what set him off? Boy if only I knew”
- Vincent Violet (prologue)
I’m seeing strange things happen to me
It’s giving me chills and it’s making me think
That so many people are out to get me
So I hide away and then I think up a scene
Where everyone’s laughing and being so mean
And thinking of ways that they wanna hurt me
And if that’s kinda strange, well I guess I agree
But I’m just gonna trust me and nobody
- Think Up A Scene (interlude)
And so came the day, one we all won’t forget
When broken down Vinny threw his big fit
He yelled at the sky and pulled out his hair
Until he exploded, vaporized in the air
It happened so quick, in a flash and a flurry
We looked everywhere but we weren’t really worried
Cause its not that we know how Vinny disappeared
But we know no one cried and we know no one cheered
Now I hope you can answer that riddle I posed
For my story of Vinny has come to a close
Where things don’t just fade, they do stack up you know
And that’s the story of what made Vincent blow
- In A Flash And A Flurry (epilogue)